Louis Vuitton Qiantan Taikoo Li Store, Shanghai, China


The Louis Vuitton Qiantan Taikoo Li Store showroom boasts a truly distinctive and mesmerizing facade. The ingenious design features inward and outward curved glass panels with stainless steel twisted vertical blades running behind them, creating a captivating wave-like effect. This dynamic and kinetic facade sets the store apart, reflecting Louis Vuitton's continuous pursuit of uniqueness and innovation in both fashion and architecture. The seamless blend of artistry and engineering in the facade makes the store a remarkable symbol of luxury and elegance, enticing visitors with its one-of-a-kind beauty and allure.

Project Details

Project Name
Louis Vuitton Qiantan Taikoo Li Store
Project Location
Shanghai, China
Project Type
Facade Engineering
Project Year
2021, 2022
Project Scope
Facade Engineering – Shop & Fabrication Drawings
Project Status

Project Features

ISE's contribution to the Louis Vuitton Qiantan Taikoo Li Store project was instrumental in transforming the innovative facade design into reality. With meticulous planning and expertise in facade engineering, ISE successfully executed the intricate curved glass panels and stainless steel twisted vertical blades, creating a stunning kinetic facade that epitomizes elegance and sophistication.

ISE’s Contribution :

Shop & Fabrication Drawings
  • Fire hose reel door
  • Show Window Facade
  • Transparency Facade
  • Signage fixing on Curved Glass